Thursday, 29 December 2011

Cafe World Beginners

Cafe World Beginners
Cafe World Getting Started Ultimate Strategy Guide For Playing Cafe World

Customize your Cafe World character – In the beginning of Cafe World, a screen may pop-up to let you adjust the appearance of your Cafe World avatar. Here you can change the entire look of your character by selecting things like different styles of clothing, hair color, and facial characteristics. You can spend a lot of time on this or just go with the default look for your character. Many people playing Cafe World like to make their character appear exactly like themselves but others are much more creative customizing their Cafe World character. There are no rules to this so feel free to experiment with it and have some fun.
Making your Cafe World character move – Moving your character in Cafe World is somewhat restrictive. That is, your character can only move to complete tasks such as cleaning dishes, cooking, preparing food, and clearing tables. You can do this by clicking on the target for each task (i.e. oven, table, etc.)
Customizing your Cafe – At the start of the game, you get a very generic looking cafe but as you proceed to earn more money and reach new Cafe World levels you get the opportunity to buy more stuff. You can then add things like new ovens, chairs, tables, windows, floors, walls, counters, and decor to decorate your space to give it a custom makeover or expand it and make even more money.

How To Play Cafe World
Cafe World How To Play Ultimate Strategy Guide For Playing Cafe World
Cooking in Cafe World – At the beginning of Cafe World your first concern should be to buy some food to prepare. To do this, click on the oven and a menu will pop-up to let you select the type of food you want to cook. Once, you’ve done that you’ll need to prepare the food by continuing to click on the stove.
Choosing food in Cafe World – There are various menu items to select from with each costing you a different amount of money to make. Generally speaking the more a dish costs to make, the greater your profits. However, you also have to consider the time it takes to make that particular dish as well. Some items take much longer to make (i.e. days versus minutes) and can spoil if your don’t serve them when they’re ready.
Cafe points help you level-up – Cafe points are given to you for doing such things as cooking, cleaning, buying items, and helping your Cafe friends. As you acquire more Cafe points you’ll reach new game levels in Cafe World.
Buzz rating – In the upper right hand corner of the Cafe World screen you’ll see a thumbs-up image and a numerical value. That number represents your buzz rating. The buzz rating determines how many customers come to your Cafe. If the value increases, more people come to visit you and you’ll earn more money. If it goes down, so does your customer traffic and potential earnings.
Why neighbors are important – If you click on the “My Neighbors” link at the top of the page you’ll be able to see all your Cafe World neighbors. There you can invite and accept new neighbors to your Cafe. Neighbors are important because they limit what you can do in the game. That is, you need neighbors to work for you as waiters and waitresses at your Cafe. You can also earn more Cafe coins by increasing the number of neighbors you have. Hence, it’s important to continue to invite more Facebook friends to increase the size of your Cafe World neighbors and thus make more money.
Gifting to neighbors – Giving and receiving gifts in Cafe World is beneficial for all parties involved. That is, giving gifts to your Cafe World neighbors often encourages reciprocal gifting. The gifts you receive maybe something you and and many times they are something you can’t afford or obtain yet because of your skill level.
Helping your neighbors – Helping your Cafe World neighbors from time to time encourages them to reciprocate that act too. You can do this by visiting their cafes, trying their daily special, and leaving tips. Doing so increases your Cafe World experience points and your daily bonus.

Cafe World Strategy

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